

尊貴的 直貢澈贊法王為龍德嚴淨仁波切所創辦的觀音山臺灣薩迦寺建設完成一事,特別錄影獻上滿滿祝福。

龍德嚴淨 仁波切 (Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche , 簡稱 龍德 上師) 佛教史上,首位獲北京雍和宮及甘肅拉卜楞寺第一大活佛格西 嘉木揚·圖布丹活佛和薩迦察派 究給企千法王的雙重認證。也是至今唯一一位受到藏傳佛教格魯派、薩迦派法王雙重認證的臺灣籍仁波切。

Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche, also known as Guru Lung Du, is the first Rinpoche certified by both Geshe Jamyang Zhépa (prime Tulku of the Yonghe Temple in Beijing and the Labrang Monastery in Gansu), and His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche (head of the Tsharpa Branch of the Sakya Tradition).

Till now, Guru Lung Du is the only Taiwanese Rinpoche certified by both the Sakya and Gelug lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. We, Guan Yin Shan, execute the Buddha’s compassionate will to benefit not only one but also others. We make efforts to honor the principles, respect the teachers, carry the lineage forward, pass on the traditions, and propagate Buddhism.

We act to pay back the grace of Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, country, parents, and all, and help to relieve those in the realms of animal, ghost, and hell. Moreover, we are obedient to Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha because “sutras are the most important essence to rely on”.

Let the melody of Buddha’s teachings flows and benefits all beings.



非常高興今天你們到來,在這裡臺灣的觀音山的 龍德仁波切的弟子,金剛上師仁波切的弟子,看到你們的寺廟已經建成,非常高興的,我先祝福你們寺廟的順利完成。

那我在這裡 薩迦法王也,我們非常,印度德拉敦很近。互相他來、我們也會來往。

那堪布 阿貝(仁波切)也是我的 上師,我以前接受過這個《喜金剛本續》,所以我非常高興現在你們建設臺灣薩迦寺,弘揚佛法,善信利益,我非常祝願你們。

我相信,利益很多眾生,那我們這個 確吉蔣稱金剛上師長壽,然後利益很多眾生,法喜充滿,阿彌陀佛!

I am really glad to see you coming here. The disciples of Taiwan Guan Yin Shan Lung Du Rinpoche, the disciples of Vajrayana Guru Rinpoche, I am absolutely delighted to see that your monastery has been completed, and first I wish your monastery a smooth completion.

And here I am near His Holiness Sakya Trizin in Dehradun, India. We often intercommunicate with each other.

The Venerable Khenchen Appey Rinpoche is also my guru, and I received the lineage of Hevajra Tantra from my guru before, and thus I am really delighted to see the construction of “Taiwan Sakya Monastery” that can propagate the Dharma and benefit many people. I hereby give you my genuine blessing.

I believe that this monastery will surely benefit many sentient beings, and I hope that the Vajrayana Guru Chokyi Gyetshen will be long-lived and benefit many sentient beings. May everyone be full of Dharma joy. Amitabha!

引用影片版權來源: @觀音山法藏


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